Good Morning

The morning ritual.

How do you start your morning ritual with?

The teacher asked the class …

You know the morning decides the day and the day decides the evening and the evening the night.

It’s a cycle.

All the children of the class started to raise their hand slowly few and some of them continuously to grab the attention of the teacher.

All had answers because all had few morning rituals to follow before they could actually head towards school.

Student 1: Ma’am, after I wake up I pray to God for the blessing of my family.

Student 2: We wake up everyday with the cucckoo’s sound. It’s so beautiful ma’am.

Student 3: Ma’am, my parents fight a lot. Every morning I wake with their sound of blaming each other… It’s not good ma’am..

Student 4: Ma’am ma’am .. I wake up everyday with the Calling of our doodh uncle.. and the alarm… Even if I want to sleep more… I have to wake up!

Student 5: I wake up everyday and then I do a bit yoga with my parents.. this is my morning ritual.

Student 6: I stay with my maternal grandparents and after I wake up I go to the garden area to catch the butterflies..

The teacher smiled.

The teacher understood life is not all about glory and happiness… Many has to go through many difficulties.

As a child it’s quite it’s difficult to decode whats right and what’s wrong

The child whose parents fight everyday morning may be.. may be he or she will never be able to see what a beautiful morning is… May be will able to see but not most days..

How the cold breeze of the morning looks like… Feels like .. how the beauty of sun is .. only silence knows ..

The morning ritual is the most important part of the day. It states us how and through which day should progress … If our parents fights … Or we see or face any discomforting situation we should state that… We should always be calm and composed always. If not always.. atleast in our morning rituals.

The teacher stated and every children of the class listened… They knew whether they were luckiest or not based on what the teacher said . But they also understood.. life is a pathway and there is always an option to rectify something which is incorrect.. may be you are a child.

But saying out loud is important..!

So morning rituals are so important for your well-being.

Written by Sayoni Mahapatra Chatterji

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9 responses to “Good Morning”

  1. What a wonderful lesson! Starting the day right indeed sets the tone for everything. It’s heartening to see eager learners in the class, ready to share their morning rituals. Here’s to fostering positive habits and making each day a stepping stone to greatness! 🌞📚


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