
Are you superstitious?

Our lives are influenced by several elements. Our thought, wit, hard work and determination usually prepare the outcomes that we come to experience. That is what we quite fairly like to believe; after all, these are very much within the boundaries of our control. On their basis we plan and validate our lives and actions.

However, we are also aware of a widespread belief of some elements which are mostly out of our control, but at the same time they are believed to be equally impactful as the elements mentioned above.

Superstitions are something I have come across time and again. I have heard about them within my own household. My grandmother occasionally speaks of how something done or not done sets in motion a trail of unseen invisible events which ultimately influences us or what happens to us.

I will be very honest, I lack sufficient understanding of superstitions to either support them or oppose them. I strongly believe a deeper understanding is required of anything before putting a label of certainty over it.

Having said that, I will also say that I have not been totally ignorant of superstitions. Many of these carry good intentions which I think can have a positive impact on people’s life and influence them to be better. While practices and beliefs of some superstitions I find quite objectionable.

In short no I am not a believer of superstitions however I dont stand opposed to them, especially not the ones whose belief have allowed people to have a better life.

Written by Anuran Chatterji

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