A Lost Possession

What do you wish you could do more every day?

Every day is a new day and every day comes with new aspirations and thought.

Today through the story of Renuka let us know what she would want to wish she could have more everyday..

The sky was clearer than ever … The road, streets all seemed jostled with joy and happiness.. why? Because the sun decided to smile after so long.

It was raining cats and dogs in their area for quite a few days.. and now ! The final hide and seek with the sun comes to an end .. making the sun view from all directions.. and ending the hide and seek game!

Renuka was observing the Nature’s playfulness. The leaves of the tree, the sun, the game of shadow and golden rays.

Amidst all these Renuka’s mother called from downstairs!

Renukaaaaaaa ! RENUKAAAAAA !!! Please see where you have kept your red milk cup!

I have searched everywhere! Again you must have lost it or .. or did you break it again this time! ?

Say me honestly!

Renuka didn’t understand what was happening! The only thing she knew the nature was looking extremely beautiful and she was totally engrossed with all her emotions therein…

Renuka’s mother now got angry as her mother didn’t see any trigger in Renuka’s posture and she was looking outside as she was before.


And her mother repeated all the lines she said before.

Renuka with utter calmness said, ”Ah! It is the cup which is making so much noises. ”

Renuka went to the upstairs to her desk to bring the cup which she kept to her study table. Empty cup of last evening.

Her mother after receiving the cup smiled and so much so it was her prized possession her long lost award.

Renuka went to the temple of the house only to pray … Bhagwan! Dear almighty just give my mom a bit more patience! So that I could enjoy the nature more.

Written by Sayoni Chatterji

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7 responses to “A Lost Possession”

  1. This was nice, and a gentle, but still very very useful illustration of the need for patience and understanding among us all. Come here and enjoy this beautiful morning, we can think about the cup later. I hope your day is long and you have time to enjoy it all.

    Liked by 4 people

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